The e-Municipal Wastewater web application makes data available to meet the reporting requirements of the EU Municipal Wastewater Directive 91/271/EEC and enables them to be updated and the XML format required by the European Commission (COM) to be automatically generated.
Furthermore it is possible to query the data and to import data in an enhanced CSV format, e.g. from other applications.
In 2022, video tutorials were created to help users get started with reporting.
Furthermore, the application has been expanded to include small sewage treatment plants, currently > 50 to In addition, numerous other QS tests have been integrated into the application.
Some time ago numerous improvements were made for the administration of the application and the country data. In this context, the database was also expanded to include data in accordance with Article 17 of the directive. In addition, the export function for data according to Art. 15 was converted to a modified report format of the COM and a provisional export function for data according to Art. 17 of the directive was implemented. The XUKommunalabwasser-compliant (XÖV-certified) XML interface for the export and import of data according to Art. 15 is currently being tested.
ENDA operates the application in a BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) conformant high security environment. In order to maintain the level of security, the web application will soon be migrated from the Ruby on Rails version 5 framework to version 7.
Registered users will find their data for the reporting periods DE2020, DE2018, ... DE2008 and DE2005 there - currently write-protected after the end of the current reporting period. When the COM starts a new reporting period, users can edit their data for the new reporting period as usual.
The e-Kommunalabwasser Wiki (portal) can be found here.
Sketch of the Report Entities