COM - ISA Core Vocabularies Working Group: Development of Core Vocabularies for Location (Address) and Business
In this project, experiences from the development of numerous data models were used for the development of the above mentioned model standards of the European Commission.
AKN Lean coverage - Care
The wastewater register of Lower Saxony (AKN) has a web application that is tailored to easy use while simultaneously meeting the reporting requirements. This Java application was developed using the Velocity Framework with an Oracle backend connected via Cayenne OR-Mapper and maintained by ENDA.
bBIS: Various converters
The Federal Environment Agency's nationwide soil information system (bBIS) has been further developed by ENDA with regard to the data model and expanded with data converters for the specific data formats of various state authorities. These converters usually process a specific CSV, Excel or XML format and prepare this into a bBIS-specific XML format so that the data can be imported.
UDIS-Tcl Lake database
The Federal Environment Agency's lake database was filled with data from an SQLServer legacy application. For this purpose, a schema mapping and a corresponding data conversion was carried out. In addition, a CSV import interface was developed that supports various import modes and validations on the import data and performs automated value and unit conversions as well as parameter conversions.
UDIS-Tcl Code Review Final Report
The software product line UDIS-Tcl was discontinued by decision of the management of the manufacturer. ENDA has carried out a causal analysis and assessment and made recommendations to the Federal Environment Agency in a final report ("Code Review") so that future investments in environmental information systems can be more sustainable or cheaper.
E-PRTR Optimization of the website
Within the framework of this contract with the State Office for the Environment of Baden-Württemberg (LUBW), ENDA carried out various measures, each of which required little effort, to ensure the success of this first German pollutant register (today: