
ENDA aims for a concept for consistant quality assurance in the exchange of data. For this we distinguish between

  • structural requirements
  • content requirements and
  • plausibility.

Structural requirements determine which properties are to be transmitted in each case (completeness of the properties) and what the minimum requirements imposed on the transmission of the respective value are. These requirements can be quite easily identified and monitored.

Content requirements are related to objects of the same structural type, the delivery of which is expected by the recipient (i.e. "Is everything there or available?". This requires a knowledge of what "everything" is.

The plausibility of the data is context dependent and relies on logical, physical and or technical based rules. It is monitored by various methods. The development of these inspection rules requires experience and expertise and can be quite complex.

In fact, the test examining options are further differentiated. What is essential is that the test criteria be completely identified and documented. For data on the self-monitoring of the discharger of wastewater (§61 Water Management Act) 2013 no checks were documented or even known. Since then, ENDA has identified and documented more than 30 tests in 18 different categories.