
XÖV stands for XML in public administration. Its aim is to standardise data exchange, with and within the government, to make electronic processing more efficient and uniform.

The coordinating body for IT-standards (KoSIT) coordinates the creation of XÖV standards. The Federal Office for Information Technology (BIT) operates the XRepository, which holds all the official standards of the Federal Republic of Germany for the exchange of data within and with the public administration, and makes them available to the public.

The BIT checks all prospective standards based on the criteria of XÖV manual and with the help of electronic tools (XGenerator).

ENDA developed the XÖV standards XUBetrieb and XUKommunalabwasser (for company-bound environmental reporting data and data on municipal wastewater) as head of a consortium with the Krallmann AG and Fachhochschule Potsdam and brought them to certification. Since 2014 ENDA maintains the standards and the project website on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA).

XUBetrieb XÖV Certificate
XUBetrieb XÖV Certificate
XUKommunalabwasser (Municipal Wastewater) XÖV Certificate
XUKommunalabwasser (Municipal Wastewater) XÖV Certificate