XML Repository of company master- and report-data

XUBetrieb is a free library of model components for the development of uniform interface structures for inter-process-communication (IPC) exchange in the corporate environmental reporting process. XUKommunalabwasser is the first standard to be derived from XUBetrieb and supports the exchange of report data in accordance with the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC.
Both XUBetrieb and XUKommunalabwasser have received XÖV-certification. The XUBetrieb model components and the XUKommunalabwasser derived from it, have also been successfully tested by the German Federal Office for Information Technology (BIT) of the Federal Administration Office on behalf of the IT Planning Council. Thus, are also certified XÖV standards which are also available in the XRepository. XUBetrieb will in the medium term lead to uniform interface structures for message exchange in corporate environmental reporting.
The more applications use the XUBetrieb model components, the more likely it is that one side of the communication has already received XUBetrieb compatible interfaces. This reduces the development effort significantly. And even if neither communication partner has the interface structure, the development effort is reduced, because these have already been modeled, documented and are freely usable.
The aim is to reduce the expenses and increase the quality in the process of environmental reporting requirements. This applies to both companies and authorities. To achieve the goal despite the federally backed diversity in the IT environment, a freely available XML structure of company master data and report data has been developed and established. This reduces redundancies and can be used by all interested parties free of charge. Through the integration of this standard in the XÖV in Germany (XÖV - XML in public administration), the quality, free availability, continuous documentation, future maintenance and thus the usability of XUBetrieb is ensured.
As XÖV Standard XUBetrieb will continue to be maintained and supported, ensuring that both the relevance and usability of XUBetrieb and the communication between those involved in the environmental reporting process is ensured.
Contractee, Contractor
ENDA is the primary contractor for the Federal Environment Agency and has developed XÖV in the working group together with the KRALLMANN AG and the Department of Design of the Fachhochschule Potsdam (FHP), Prof. Dr. Heidmann. ENDA lead XUBetrieb and XUKommunalabwasser to re-certification in autumn 2017 and currently adopts the new XÖV tools (XGenerator / Profile) to the IT standards production environment.
To identify of the most intricate environmental data models, we surveyed the responsible authorities and the companies on their efforts in environmental reporting. We then investigated the data and process models and documented the results. From this we developed a metamodel (the XUBetrieb model components). This was submitted to the Federal Office of Administration for certification as a XÖV standard.
XUBetrieb project flyers and newsletters were created, and in 2012 we presented the project at CeBIT at the booth of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. We have received very positive reactions to XUBetrieb.