The eBIS XML exchange format is used to transfer data for soil monitoring in Germany.
It should support the smooth data exchange between different institutions through an open, well-documented interface that can be used by everyone. This should be done by sending files in XML format (XML files, extension .xml).
To determine what the structure of such an XML file is, what information this XML file must contain and what further information is required, an XML schema file (extension .xsd) and any additional notes are usually used. This means that the XML Schema file defines the structure of the'interface'. Both XML and XML Schema are standardized by the WWW consortium ( bzw.

The purpose of using XML files and XML Schema files is that an automated check of the processability (a so-called validation) of the XML files can be carried out particularly easily. No new tools have to be programmed, which saves costs. Another cost advantage is that data in this format can be transferred much more easily to any target application, since the structure is defined and at the same time the data is very easily accessible for conversion programs.
An interactive, graphical representation of the schema for the exchange of soil observation data can be found here.
In our download area you will find all files necessary for the use of the exchange format:
- The "General description of the files for the definition of the XML data exchange format for the transmission of data for soil monitoring in Germany" (xml-beschreibung.pdf)
- The schema files (bbis.xsd, listen.xsd, basic types.xsd)
- A sample XML file corresponding to the schema (bbis_beispiel.xml)
- The HTML documentation for download (folder doku_html/)
- and a PDF file with the schema description (doku_pdf/bbis.pdf)