ENDA is innovative. We research new technologies and develop standards. The results are tested whereby our long-term experience comes to the aid. Since here research is no self purpose. No matter what we do find out: We tell you the truth and avoid IT slang. You can grasp and use our reports and analyses.
When your processes and data models are to be paragon to others: gladly we develop a standard thereof. Or you let research something and want to know if is works: we try it for you.
Research Project XUBetrieb
For XUBetrieb we attended the customer from concept sketch to end of implementation. In workshops with expert professionals from administration and companies that are subject to environmental reporting, we collected and structured the requirements of the different stakeholders. By broad survey the relevant reporting obligations have been identified and prioritised.
With these results the data models and reporting processes have been gathered and modeled in UML2. Important model parts (esp. those, that are common to different reporting obligations) formed the base of XUBetrieb. In this process ENDA ensured, that all names of attributes as well as entities are expressive and immediately intuitively reasonable. Every attribute and every entity received a clear and concise description. All names and descriptions were provided in English too.
Subsequently XUBetrieb was used to build the message structure XUKommunalabwasser for a real-world task, the reporting of urban wastewater plants, discharge points and the interconnected agglomerations. XUBetrieb as well as XUKommunalabwasser have then been certified as XÖV standards. XUBetrieb is the first open component library for company master data and environmental reporting data.
Research Project P23R4FLEX
The research community FhG FOKUS developed the P23R princple for BMI (Federal Ministry of the Interior), that is believed to simplify the reporting of business to administration, whose suitability for real world application though has been uncertain.
In the scope of P23R4FLEX project we examined the documents and software modules and developed a P23R test environment, two ambitious test cases and a suitable, coherent environmental data model, based on XUBetrieb.
Further areas of research have been
- the structuring of possible QA tests on environmental data,
- based thereon the development of tangible QA tests for two reporting processes (wastewater and self monitoring of sewage plants according to §61 WHG (water ecology act),
- the possible facilitation of QA tests by usage of the currently unsupported XML schema languages Schema 1.1, Relax NG, Schematron and DSD,
- the evaluation of a P23R developer portal regarding its usability for the development of P23R rules (report process specific, central modules) and
- development of a concept for a reusable P23R client application in the field of environment.
ENDA could perform the first real data transfer with P23R and thus prototypically proove the usability of the P23R concept. With project close-out ENDA presented the P23R to a broad audience of representatives from administration and companies. Highlight has been the successful live demo with the first P23R test case.
Research Project P23R/MRN
Here the pre-existing P23R module collection was prolifically used in a company for the first time. In the process new functionalities with basic importance could be introduced into the P23R principle.
The new P23R client developed by ENDA carries out the complete communication with the P23R core without bothering the user with this. ENDA developed the P23R rules (report process specific, central modules), the source and the transmission connectors for the reporting obligations 11th, 13th and 17. BImSchV (Federal Immission Protection Ordinance) and PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register), validated those with the industrial customer and took them online within their IT environment.