On behalf of FCH 2 JU of the European Commission, ENDA (with partners) has successfully developed a real-time information system on the availability of current and future hydrogen refueling stations in Europe.
The E-HRS-AS (European Hydrogen Refueling Stations Availability System) consists of several components:
- Export API open to everyone by which the station data and the current availability status of the HRS automatically can be received in a documented and orderly manner
- A hardware solution (Type A delivery) that is to be mounted in the control cabinet of a HRS that transmitts the availability state every 60 seconds to the centralised E-HRS-AS system
- An Import API used to receive availability data e.g. from those operators that already have a reliable electronic source of their HRS availability (Type B delivery)
- The E-HRS-AS Map displaying all HRS and their status and providing the aforementioned station data (opening hours, address etc.)
- The Operators Portal that is used by the HRS operators to schedule maintenance outages or update their prefilled data and to get a quick overview of possible obstacles on HRS
- An Administrators Portal to create users, HRS and many other objects. It is used to prefill a bunch of administrative information (persons in charge, HRS itself, dispensers, address, geolocation) and the information needed to acquire the availability data (which decentralised component is installed on the HRS or are they delivering via Type B API)
- A Progress Map used to track the surrection and connection status of all known HRS in Europe
- Installation support and QA is provided by the Technicians Setup Assistant Portal. It contains a step-by-step installation procedure and performs tests to check if the installation has been carried out correctly.