Expert Information System Water and Soil (EIS WaSo)

ENDA has developed a specialised information system for the German Federal Environment Agency (FEA) that combines and replaces the existing systems for watercourses, lakes, groundwater and soil.

The mission-critical task was to unify the processes and data models with the greatest possible overlap and at the same time to map the individual requirements without greatly increasing the complexity of processes, data models and user guidance.

The new EIS is open and expandable for new environmental compartments such as the marine environmental database MUDAB or pesticide reconnaissance data.

By developing a common core with environmental compartment-specific modules, we avoid the disadvantages of a generic application - above all unspecific terminology, but also cumbersome operation.

After the concept development and realisation of the EIS, it is proving itself in productive use. The current WISE 6 reporting for all water compartments to the EEA (European Environment Agency) in 2025 was carried out by the FEA with the EIS WaSo, which is operated in the FEA data centre.

The system is designed for the automated transmission of measured values via REST APIs (web interfaces). Groundwater measurement values are already automatically imported into the EIS via a country API. Of course, we continue to support table formats. Individual quality checks per environmental compartment ensure high data quality and low testing effort.

With the report component of EIS WaSo, the Federal Republic of Germany is the first user of the EUA's REST API for submitting environmental report data.
The architecture of the new EIS has been developed in full compliance with the Federal IT Architecture Guidelines, which now allow us to use the latest technologies and platforms.

A data warehouse provides periodically updated query results as well as customised environmental reports for all employees of the Federal Environment Agency. A powerful yet easy-to-use query tool enables complex filtering conditions and delivers fast results, which can be exported in various formats.